The Skink Regiment gives us 24 Skinks and comes on eight sprues. At 5 points per model we could have 23 as regular Skinks for 115 points and one as a Brave for 8pts. We can also upgrade one as a musician for 6pts or a Standard Bearer for 8pts. So in this box we get between around 120 to 126 points of Lizards.
For every 8 Skinks we can also add in a Kroxigor at 55 points per model, so with this regiment we could have them all as regular Skinks and add in 3 Kroxigor (the required unit size) to give us an army of 285 points over 27 models. If adding a Krox consider keeping the Skinks with their Spears as Kroxigors move at teh MS6 of Skinks but have BS 0, Krox bring an LD of 7 over the Skinks 6.
The Skink bodies need assembly after which you need to decide whether they are going to use blowpipes or a combination of Spear and Shield. There's one crested Skink to act as the Sergeant and he of course has his own weapon.
While a Skull White Undercoat is probably a given the paints detailed on the box are the standard blue scheme. You can also try washing the models in Asurmen Blue, we found that applying this heavily on the top of the model and lighter on the underneath gives a nice blend from darker blue to almost white on the underbelly.
Scales we did with the standard Enchanted Blue but then highlighted with Hawk Turquoise. Consider replacing the Shining Gold suggested for the jewellery bands with either Brazen Brass or Burnished Gold. If you use Shining Gold try applying a small amount of Devlan Mud wash.
For basing these we had fun with micro-pouring Games Workshop Water Effects in thin streams, tricky but good. Add in some fibres from a door mat or use Field Grass from Woodland Scenics for a nice swamp.