Sunday 7 February 2010

In the Box - Battle for Skull Pass

One of the most popular Games Workshop products for getting started are the dual-army boxes. One such box is the ‘Battle for Skull Pass’ which provides us with a well balanced 500 point Dwarven and Goblin army.

Here’s the roster of available troops:

Dwarf Army
• 12 x Warriors, 10 x Thunderers, 8 x Miners
• Thane Godri Thunderbrand, Dragon Slayer Borri Graniteskin
• Dwarf Cannon (and crew), Kings Wall, Grudge Pony

Goblin Army
• 20 x Spearmen, 20 x Archers, 10 x Spider Riders
• Big Boss Dagskar Earscrapper, Nazbad Wartfinger, Slugdrool the Troll
• The Idol of Mork

The armies come on four large sprues holding 15 to 20 miniatures per sprue. There is a fifth sprue of bases for the Arachnid models. Some miniatures such as the Spider Riders will need assembly.

In addition to the miniatures the box also has two range rulers, a blast and flame template and dice. There’s also two books included, a ‘Read this First’ quick guide and the full Warhammer Rulebook.

The introduction book explains each phase of the game clearly and provides a set of ‘training exercises’ to practice each phase. In these exercises you set up your armies and play that phase, a really good way of getting used to what can often seem quite complex rules.

WHG Team

Saturday 6 February 2010

Alkemy video 'advertorial'

As a trial of how to use Animoto we put together this small advertorial, not bad for 30 seconds!